Number Three Bus to Cleethorpes

This 56 page photozine shows the work of a group of photographers from the Royal Photographic Society East Midlands Region in collaboration with the RPS TWT project when they visited Cleethorpes on the Number Three bus. As you look through the pages you will see how all the photographers came back with very different work, despite following the same route at the same time

If you prefer to pay by debit/credit card please click on the Paypal button and select pay by card and process as a guest.
Alternatively you can add to basket and then pay by bank transfer, thank you. Any issues call Stewart on 0795 512 4000 … Continue readingNumber Three Bus to Cleethorpes

Tombland 2024

In May 2024 professional photographer Stewart Wall delivered a photo-haiku photobook workshop for 9 photographers from the Norwich and District photographic Society around the area of Tombland in Norwich and this is the 210mm x 210mm 76 page hard-cover Photobook that was produced from the day.By ordering a copy you will see the variety of work that each photographer created from the assignments Stewart set for them, walking the same area on the same day. … Continue readingTombland 2024

Visions of Clumber Park in Winter

This lovely 56 page photozine shows the work of a group of photographers from the Royal Photographic Society East Midlands Region from when they visited Clumber Park. You will see how everyone created different work from the same place on the same day. The book is designed and published by Stewart Wall.

If you prefer to pay by debit/credit card please click on the Paypal button and select pay by card and process as a guest.
Alternatively you can add to basket and then pay by bank transfer, thank you. Any issues call Stewart on 0795 512 4000 … Continue readingVisions of Clumber Park in Winter