Stewart Wall Photography

Social Documentary Photographer

Collaborative Photo-Book Making

In today’s online world work can become very transient, and this has led to a growth in photo-book making. The Photo book in-person or online lecture looks at examples of photo books and discuss the history and future of photo books, It also looks at

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Brutalist Architecture

Its not what you photograph, it is what you photograph that makes you an image maker Brutalism architecture is very popular with a lot of photographers but when you begin to understand what brutalism is, and how it impacted on community and life, your images

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Camera-Immortalising The Stonemason

Project based photography is becoming more and more popular and during this in-person or online lecture or in-person or online extended workshop you will develop the skillset to take your photography into areas that adds power and interest to your photography that others will engage

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Talk 4: Brutalist Architecture

Brutalist Architecture I’ve spent the last five years studying brutalism architecture after coming across it when I led a day’s photography at Sheffield’s Park Hill ‘Streets in the Sky. During this lecture I argue there is a lot more to brutalism than big lumps of

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Talk 3: Masters of Street Photography

Looking and reviewing the work of others can help us develop our own work Learning from the masters is a great way to develop our own photography. During this talk you will be introduced to a series of masterful photographers who are well known for

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Talk 2: Creative Street Photography

Getting Creative with Street Photography The Talk I find the experience of coincidence too powerful to resist reacting to. For 40 years I have experimented with post production techniques, for example when working as a press photographer the Mini Metro was released and having covered

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Talk 2: Creative Street Photography

Finding meaning and emotion in street photography This talk or course will help you discover three key ingredients to making superbly engaging street photographs: Creative, Meaning and Emotion. During this lecture you will discover street photography is not a venue but an approach to photography

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Rethinking the way we live

Today is May 10th, living within the Covid-19 pandemic has become a way of life for many of us. Many are on the front line, such as nurses and delivery people, and others are living a life of lock down. Last night, Boris our leader

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