Experimenting with designing Creative Images using the curves button on the Olympus OMD EM1 mk2

Experimenting with curves control in camera with the Fuji x100v led me to consider what my Olympus EM1 mk2 offered along similar lines, and so yesterday I decided to take the Oly out on a trip and do a quick experiment. I was not dissapointed. … Continue readingExperimenting with designing Creative Images using the curves button on the Olympus OMD EM1 mk2

Designing Creative Images using the art of focussing 1

With photography, where to focus and how much to have in focus are very important questions the creative photographer considers constantly, but many photographers abdicate responsibility to their camera’s auto-focus. This abdication is a mistake, and those who do not think about focussing are missing … Continue readingDesigning Creative Images using the art of focussing 1