0 Replies to “Caistor Workshops”

  1. A very insightful article Stewart and most interesting connections with strangers. But, being nit-picky, is taking such images truly street photography? I get the importance of connection with the subject but can such images be candid when they are set up? They are lovely images btw

  2. Thank you for your comment David, and I am pleased to read you found the article insightful, and you enjoyed the images.

    In response to your question, I would argue that street photography is an evolving practice, and its boundaries should not be too restrictive, although it should be based on real life occasions and not staged.

    Of course, the practice of street photography has a rich history and has been shaped by a range of influences over time. Its roots can be traced back to the advent of photography itself, and it has been shaped by the work of influential photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, and Garry Winogrand. While the genre has evolved over time, it does remain rooted in the idea of capturing candid and spontaneous moments in public spaces (Bate, 2019), which all of my street photography does. However, Pink (2013) argued the use of conversation as a means of building relationships with subjects and capturing a sense of place is also a common approach within documentary photography, and I view street photography as a sub-genre of documentary. If it is the approach of taking candid photographs of a subject during the conversation you are concerned about, then it is an approach that I share with photographers such as the magnum photographer David Hurn, who set up the first school of documentary photography.

    In the video of the day in Nottingham you will also notice more typical street images, taken without conversation.

    Bate, D. (2019). Photography: The Key Concepts. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Pink, S. (2013). Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representation in Research. Sage.

  3. Hi Stewart, excellent photos (of course) and engaging commentary (equally, of course).

    My wife was applying her vast canine knowledge to her position of head judge for the day and I was testing my aging joint flexibility by kneeling in worship of dog photography!

    I noticed you, well perhaps I noticed your camera where others may well have missed it, but unfortunately I couldn’t rise from my crouched position for long enough to engage with you before I heard the shout ‘where’s the photographer’!

    It was still great to almost make your acquaintance even if it’s only through the medium of the Internet.

    1. Hi Kenny,

      It’s wonderful to receive your message, thank you and I appreciate your kind words. Back in the 1990s, I used to work as an event photographer, mainly focusing on equestrian events, but when the foot and mouth stopped all events I moved into a different field of photography. I watched you crouch and stand up many times with great admiration on Saturday. I must admit my knees would groan in protest and refuse to work!

      I just viewed your images through the link in your message, and they are truly masterful. The owners must love them.

      kind regards


  4. I love my vintage lenses and prefer using them over any of my modern ones. They make my photography feel more intentional, mindful, and I am definitely more connected with the process of image-making.

  5. Very interesting article Stewart! Many thanks for this. Brings back a lot of memories. I used to own a Helios 58mm way back when I started photography. Was it of Russian origin? I seem to remember it being paired with my Zenit E at the time. You can imagine the weight. Happy Days!

  6. I really to rest my eyes now after viewing these images.!
    Cognitive overload in abundance Stewart, possibly the sort of images the eyes would see after smoking a couple of ‘spliffs’ – not that I have ever smoked the weed.
    An interesting experiment though and as they say; ‘don’t knock it – until you have tried it’.
    I do have multiple exposure on my Lumix G9 – and will certainly give it another go – probably not for my Lighthouse project though.

    1. I love it that an image of mine might cause cognitive-overload Peter, thank you. In todays world where there are so many images most only get a quick glance, to create something that has that much impact must be a winner 🙂

  7. I have two Helios lenses, one modified by turning hte front and rear lens elements over to give crazy bokeh. I often use this for flower photography.

  8. Interesting article Stewart, having once owned a Zenith E camera who would have thought the Helios 58mm would become a classic what shame I no longer own one, that’s life I suppose.