The Art of the Selfie I Anastasia Potekhina talks to Stewart Wall of the Royal Photographic Society

Anastasia Potekhina from Cyprus was recently awarded an Associate Distinction from the Royal Photographic Society for her creative self portraits. In this video she discusses her photogrpahy practice and shows her asosciate submission East Midlands

Talk 2: Creative Street Photography

Finding meaning and emotion in street photography This talk or course will help you discover three key ingredients to making superbly engaging street photographs: Creative, Meaning and Emotion. During this lecture you will discover street photography is not a venue but an approach to photography … Continue readingTalk 2: Creative Street Photography

Engaging with RPS Distinctions : My Story : An Online Talk

I joined the RPS after being a professional photographer for over 30 years with an initial purpose to meet other photographers, and no interest in doing the RPS distinctions. Fairly quickly I decided to have a go and now I volunteer as an assessor, advisor … Continue readingEngaging with RPS Distinctions : My Story : An Online Talk