Gerry Coe talks Creative iPhone Photography

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In our last zoom meeting of 2023 I invited Gerry Coe to talk to us about his iPhone photogrpahy. The event was a sell out with viewers from all over the UK, and from abroad. One lady, from California told me she had to log off at 2am her time, but can’t wait to watch the recording.

Gerryhas been a professional photographer for over 60 years, has numerous Fellowships with all of the UK societies and for the past decade has focussed on using an iPhone to both take and post edit his images. He spent over two hours talking to us about his craft, which started with his professional career and then moved onto iPhone photography before he demonstrated editing on his iPhone using his favourite apps

Click the red 'play' button to play the recording

Are you interested in Photobooks?

If you are interested in photobooks I have been creating a page on my website to sell some of the ones I have designed. Most of them are the result of days spent with groups of photographers, often from the workshops I run where we all photograph the same thing in our own way.

The books show how facinating it can be to see a group all photographing the same thing at the same time. The results are usually very different and can inspire us all to think differently.

Would you like to learn how to design your own photobooks?

Photobook Workshops Designed to Take Your Photobooks to the Next Level

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