Photo-haiku : Looking back at Autumn

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after the walking
looking back at autumn leaves
flying free blurred

Romans once walked over this land, which is by the St Peter and Paul Church in Caistor, Lincolnshire, England.

I often walk through the church grounds with my camera, and on this occassion I was shooting with my Ricoh GRiii Diary in macro with the fixed 28mm lens set to f2.8 at 1/40th sec. I was experimenting with shooting creatively with a 28mm and liked the result.

As I looked at the image on my screen I wrote the above haiku. I was thinking how a few photographers only seem to look back when they are writing about photography on social media. Whilst they spend their time missing the past, like autumn leaves might, photography has moved on. In a blink of time it has changed so fast. I think photography is at a most exciting time in it’s history when it truly has become the common language for all to share.

The text below is from the National Churches Trust website

There was an ancient British hillfort at this spot, with a Roman camp later occupying the same site and there are Roman remains throughout the town. There has been a church here since the 7th century, but the present church of St Peter & St Paul dates mainly from the 11th century onwards, though the lower part of the massive west tower is probably Saxon. According to a local tale, the apostle called Simon the Zealot came to Britain after Jesus’s crucifixion. He ran afoul of the local Roman authorities and was crucified in or near Caistor on 10 May AD 61.

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